SAP Integration Suite –API Management- Set up Cloud Transport Management Service for your APIs
Introduction In our previous posts, here SAP Cloud Integration / CPI – Set up Cloud Transport Management Service for Iflow and Package Transports, we set up Cloud Transport Management fort…
SAP Cloud Integration / CPI – AES Encryption of Payload ( Symmetric Encryption)
Introduction For one of our Integrations to Salesforce, we had to send data to Salesforce APEX Webservices as a Encrypted Payload. Salesforce has standard methods for Encryption and Decryption as…
SAP BTP – Cloud Foundry – How to Add Org Manager to Sub Account
Introduction To be able to create new Spaces or create additional Instances on your existing Space on your BTP Sub Account you need to be a Org Manager for Cloud…
B2B on SAP Integration Suite – Cloud Integration – CPI – using Trading Partner Management – Part 18 – Transporting Trading Partner Management – TPM Objects
Introduction SAP Integration Suite provides multiple out of the box Transport options. I personally have use SAP Cloud Transport Management Service for SAP Cloud Integration Transports and API Management Transports…
B2B on SAP Integration Suite – Cloud Integration – CPI – using Trading Partner Management – Part 17 – TPM Naming Convention Guideline
Introduction Imagine a EDI Landscape where you exchange B2B messages across various Partners. In some cases, you are the Customer and in some cases you are the Supplier. Imagine wanting…
B2B on SAP Integration Suite – Cloud Integration – CPI – using Trading Partner Management – Part 16 – B2B Failed Message Alerting
Introduction How do you monitor failed B2B Messages in Trading Partner Management (TPM) on Integration Suite? How do you get notified if a message has failed? If you have looked…
Graph on SAP Integration Suite – A Beginners Guide -Part 3 – Building Custom Entities
Imagine a scenario where you want to expose a ODATA API to your consumers.
ODATA APIs as you know can have lots of fields / entities. What if you want to restrict the fields that are exposed? What if you want to restrict the Entities that are exposed? What if you want to build a ODATA API that does a lookup from 2 Backend APIs ( Unified Entities ) with restricted fields?
Welcome to the world of Custom Entities on SAP Graph on Integration Suite. As the name implies, you can define Custom entities on SAP Graph and expose them to your API consumers. In this post, we look at 2 scenarios for Custom Entities and how you can develop Custom Entities on SAP Graph on Integration Suite.
B2B on SAP Integration Suite – Cloud Integration – CPI – using Trading Partner Management – Part 15 – Handling Message Retries
Introduction SAP in its latest update on Trading Partner Management in Dec 2023 has introduced configurable retries for the your Standard Trading Partner Management IFlows. With the SAP Trading Partner…
Graph on SAP Integration Suite – A Beginners Guide -Part 2 – Building Unified Entities
Introduction In the previous post, Graph on SAP Integration Suite – A Beginners Guide we had touched the most basic scenario of setting up Graph on SAP Integration Suite. We…
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