• SAP Integration Suite –API Management- Set up Cloud Transport Management Service for your APIs

    Introduction In our previous posts, here SAP Cloud Integration / CPI – Set up Cloud Transport Management Service for Iflow and Package Transports, we set up Cloud Transport Management fort Cloud Integration Artifacts. We will continue on from previous post and now enable Transport Management using Cloud Transport Management Service for SAP API Management artifacts […]


  • Graph on SAP Integration Suite – A Beginners Guide -Part 3 – Building Custom Entities

    Imagine a scenario where you want to expose a ODATA API to your consumers. ODATA APIs as you know can have lots of fields / entities. What if you want to restrict the fields that are exposed? What if you want to restrict the Entities that are exposed? What if you want to build a ODATA API that does a lookup from 2 Backend APIs ( Unified Entities ) with restricted fields? Welcome to the world of Custom Entities on SAP Graph on Integration Suite. As the name implies, you can define Custom entities on SAP Graph and expose them to your API consumers. In this post, we look at 2 scenarios for Custom Entities and how you can develop Custom Entities on SAP Graph on Integration Suite.


  • Graph on SAP Integration Suite – A Beginners Guide

    SAP announced Graph On Integration Suite as GA in Summer of 202 -. Graph: new in SAP Integration Suite. I recently spent some time tinkering around Graph on Integration Suite and this post is the beginners guide to SAP Graph on Integration Suite.
