SAP CPI – Custom Headers – Reusable Groovy Script
How do I use a single script across my tenant to log all my Custom Headers? How do I ensure that I do not have a messy landscape with every…
SAP CPI – Message Monitoring – Standard Out of the Box Features to use in your Iflows
Introduction With more customers now migrating or thinking about migrating their SAP PI/PO Integrations to CPI; a few common questions I get from seasoned PI/PO developers and Integration Managers is…
SAP CPI – Reusable Groovy Script to Log Payload as Attachments – Turn off Logging at a Tenant Level
Introduction In my previous post : Reusable Groovy Script to Log Payload as Attachments in CPI , I had described the option to log your Payload as an Attachment. There…
SAP CPI – Reusable Groovy Script to Log Payload as Attachments
Introduction I had previously blogged here with a sample Groovy Script HCI – Payload Logging using Groovy Scripts – Part 1 on how you can log to CPI Payload as Attachments. This…
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A2AMonitoring ActivityParameters AlertNotificationService APIm APIManagement B2B B2BMonitoring BTP CloudFoundry CloudTransportManagement CPI CustomEntities DMS DownPayment EDI EDIBundling GetHeader GetProperty Graph GraphQL Groovy Integration IntegrationSuite JournalEntry JournalEntryAPI Journal Entry Change MessageMapping Migration Mirrored Entities Monitoring NamingConvention ODATA OrgManager PayloadLogging S/4HanaCloud S/4Hana Cloud SAPPO SpaceDeveloper SpaceManager Spaces SubAccount TradingPartnerManagement Transport UnifiedEntities XSLT