
In our previous posts, here SAP Cloud Integration / CPI – Set up Cloud Transport Management Service for Iflow and Package Transports, we set up Cloud Transport Management fort Cloud Integration Artifacts. We will continue on from previous post and now enable Transport Management using Cloud Transport Management Service for SAP API Management artifacts on Integration Suite.


If you have set up Cloud Transport Management for Cloud Integration, then you can directly move on to the next section, but if you are going to set up Cloud Transport Management only for API artifacts, you need to perform the below settings from the previous reference post : SAP Cloud Integration / CPI – Set up Cloud Transport Management Service for Iflow and Package Transports

Configure Entitlement API Management, API Portal

If you have not yet done this, configure entitlements and enable API Management, API Portal.

Configure entitlements and enable API Management, API Portal

Do this on both Source and Target Sub Accounts!

Create an Instance for API Portal, API Management

Create a Service Instance

Create a Service Instance for API Management , API Portal as per below screenshot.

Create a Service Instance for API Management , API Portal

Create a Service Key

Select the Service Instance and create a Service Key

Get the Service Key Details as that would be needed in your next step.

  • URL
  • clientId
  • celientSecret
  • tokenUrl

Create Destination in Source Subaccount : APIManagement

Create a Destination in your Source Subaccount with the Name: APIManagement with below details

  • URL: <<URLFromServicekey>>/api/1.0/transportmodule/Transport
  • TokenServiceURL: TokenURL from Service Key
  • ClientId: ClientID from Service Key
  • ClientSecret: Client Secret from Service Key

Test Your Transport

As long as you have followed the pre-requisites, only the additional above steps are needed to enable Cloud Transport Management for your API Artifacts. You can go ahead now, and Test your Transport and you should be able to import your API Artifacts for API Management!