SAP Cloud Integration / CPI – Set up Cloud Transport Management Service for Iflow and Package Transports
Introduction SAP Cloud Transport Management is SAP’s answer to transport your Integration flows from one environment to another. Without going into other alternates lets set up Cloud Transport Management Enable…
SAP CPI – Payload Logging – Use B2BMonitoring for A2A Integration Flows
Introduction Recent enhancements of the Trading Partner management provides a comprehensive payload logging and monitoring solution for B2B Messages in CPI. B2B Monitoring in CPI as the name implies is…
SAP S/4Hana Cloud – Journal Entry Change API
SAP provides a Journal Entry Post / Create API that is very powerful and caters to quite a few scenarios. There are certain limitations to the API though. One amongst…
SAP CPI – Generic XSLT Mapping to remove Empty Fields and Nodes
Introduction I had a recent requirement where I was mapping data from a API to a target API. The API would return a empty tag for a field that has…
SAP CPI – Enable Audit Log Service to view User Activities / Logs
Introduction Ever wondered the following? If you are from a CPI on Neo background this feature used you be available out of the box. On Cloud Foundry an additional Application…
SAP CPI – External Logging (To Splunk)- Under the Hood
Introduction We had a look at SAP CPI ‘s External Logging to Splunk in this post : SAP CPI – External Logging to Splunk and Current Limitations. What happens under…
SAP CPI – External Logging to Splunk and Current Limitations
SAP BTP CPI provides out of the box logging of CPI Message Processing Log to Splunk. This post explores this feature and its current limitations. Introduction We have seen how…
SAP CPI – Archive Message Processing Logs (MPLs) to SAP BTP Document Management Service (DMS)
I had previously posted SAP CPI – Message Monitoring – Standard Out of the Box Features to use in your Iflows. Standard Monitor on CPI are quite powerful and along…
SAP BTP DMS – Integration & Repository Option- Initial Set Up
Introduction SAP BTP Document Management Service is being positioned across a gamut of SAP Products as a CMIS DMS. Products like S/4Hana Cloud and On-Premise can now connect to SAP…
SAP CPI – Reusable Groovy Script to Log All EDI Headers
Introduction SAP CPI EDI to XML Convertor Have you had a look at the headers of your messages after you perform a EDI to XML Conversion? SAP adds a lot…
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A2AMonitoring ActivityParameters AlertNotificationService APIm APIManagement B2B B2BMonitoring BTP CloudFoundry CloudTransportManagement CPI CustomEntities DMS DownPayment EDI EDIBundling GetHeader GetProperty Graph GraphQL Groovy Integration IntegrationSuite JournalEntry JournalEntryAPI Journal Entry Change MessageMapping Migration Mirrored Entities Monitoring NamingConvention ODATA OrgManager PayloadLogging S/4HanaCloud S/4Hana Cloud SAPPO SpaceDeveloper SpaceManager Spaces SubAccount TradingPartnerManagement Transport UnifiedEntities XSLT