
SAP Cloud ALM provides features for monitoring your Cloud Integration Tenant. This post shows the set up steps for the native Integration from SAP Cloud ALM to your SAP Integration Suite – Cloud Integration Tenant. We will cover the merits and demerits of this in a separate post and focus on the set up in this post. Note: This setup is for a SAP Integration Suite running on Cloud Foundry.


SAP Cloud ALM is available for Free for a Enterprise Customer of SAP BTP. Your BTP Global Administrator can request for CALM ( Cloud ALM) access on the below link : Requesting SAP Cloud ALM.

Ensure that your user has been onboarded to the SAP IAS tenant that was provisioned as a part of Cloud ALM. Note – You can choose to request for a new IAS Tenant or use the existing IAS Tenant in your landscape. Refer to SAP Note: 3248116 on how to add Additional Admin Users. To make it easy ensure you have the Cross Global Administrator role assigned to your user on the BTP Subaccount ( SAP ID Service). Alternately you need the role – Integration Architect in CloudALM.

Cloud Integration – Create a Service Instance and a Service Key

Cloud ALM will use OAUTH Client Credentials to connect to SAP Integration Suite – Cloud Integration to collect the monitoring data. To enable this, we will set up a Service Instance and Service Key on your BTP Subaccount. You can do this in a Existing Space or Create a new Space. In my case I have chosen to create a new Space called CloudALM.

  • Service – Process Integration
  • Plan – api
  • Roles
    • MonitoringDataRead
    • MonitoringArtifactsDeploy
    • HealthCheckMonitoringDataRead

Create Service Instance for Cloud ALM (CALM)

Create a Instance for Cloud ALM on your BTP SubAccount with roles 
MonitoringDataRead, MonitoringArtifactsDeploy, HealthCheckMonitoringDataRead
Create Service Instance for Process Integration RunTime – api plan
MonitoringDataRead, MonitoringArtifactsDeploy, HealthCheckMonitoringDataRead roles for Service Instance
Assign Required Roles – MonitoringDataRead, MonitoringArtifactsDeploy, HealthCheckMonitoringDataRead
Create Service Instance
Create Service Instance

Create Service Key for Cloud ALM ( CALM)

Create a Service Key For Cloud ALM. Have this handy as you will need this in the next steps.

Create Service Key for Cloud ALM
Create Service Key

Create Service Key for Cloud ALM
Create Service Key

Cloud ALM – Landscape Management Setup for SAP Integration Suite – Cloud Integration

Login to your Cloud ALM-> Administration -> Landscape Management

Cloud ALM-> Administration -> Landscape Management
Cloud ALM-> Administration -> Landscape Management

Import of Subscribed SAP Services

Click on Settings on the top right. You should see your linked SAP BTP Global Account. This is automatically added by SAP and a daily job refreshes the data. So any new Service you subscribe to is automatically synced to Cloud ALM when your Job runs.

Landscape Management Settings
View Subscribed Services on Cloud ALM
View Subscribed Services on Cloud ALM

Select Scope for Cloud ALM Landscape Management

Click on the Button Select a Scope on the top right. As we are activating the scope for SAP Integration Suite – Cloud Integration, Select the option and click on Apply. You will be able to see the number of tenants that you have subscribed to on your BTP Landscape where the corresponding Service is active.

Select a Scope in Landscape Management
Select Scope for Cloud ALM and Select SAP Integration Suite Cloud Integration
Select Scope for Cloud ALM and Select SAP Integration Suite Cloud Integration
Selected Service is displayed - Cloud Integration
Selected Service is displayed

Cloud ALM – Configure HTTP Endpoint

Go to Landscape Management and Click on the SAP Integration Suite – Cloud Integration Tile.

Go to Landscape Management and Click on the SAP Integration Suite - Cloud Integration Tile.
Navigate to Landscape Management – Cloud Integration

Select your Cloud Integration Tenant for which you want to set up Integration, Exception and Health Monitoring ( Same tenant for which you have created the Service Instance and Service key in previous section). Ensure you select Exception Monitoring, Health Monitoring and Integration Monitoring in the Use Case section.

Select your Cloud Integration Tenant for which you want to set up Integration, Exception and Health Monitoring
Select your Cloud Integration Tenant
Add a HTTP Point for your System In Cloud ALM
Add a HTTP Point for your System In Cloud ALM
Provide HTTP Endpoint OAUTH Service Key Details.

Cloud ALM – Enable Health Monitoring

  • On SAP Cloud ALM, Open the App – Health Monitoring (Image 6.1)
  • Click on the Select Scope Item on the upper right corner of the Health Monitoring App (Image 6.2)
  • Select the Cloud Integration Tenant from previous section. ( Image 6.3)
Open App Health Monitoring
Image: 6.1

Select Scope in Health Monitoring App
Image: 6.2
Select the  Tenant for Cloud Integration
Image: 6.3

Cloud ALM – Enable Integration & Exception Monitoring

  • On SAP Cloud ALM, Open the App – Integration & Exception Monitoring (Image 7.1)
  • Click on the Select Scope Item on the upper right corner of the Integration & Exception Monitoring App (Image 7.2)
  • Select – Services in Managed Components and SAP Integration Suite – Cloud Integration in Service Type (Image 7.3)
  • Select your Integration tenant and click on Apply. (Image 7.3)
  • Edit Configuration of your Service. (Image 7.4)
  • Enable Data Collection for Cloud Integration (Image 7.5)
  • Enable Integration Artifacts Deployment Data Collection (Image 7.6, 7.7.,7.8)
On SAP Cloud ALM, Open the App - Integration & Exception Monitoring
Image 7.1
Click on the Select Scope Item on the upper right corner of the Integration & Exception Monitoring App
Image 7.2
Enable Integration and Exception Monitoring for Cloud Integration
Image 7.3
Image 7.4
Enable Data Collection for your Integration and Exception Monitoring
Image 7.5
Go to Edit Configuration on Integration and Exception Monitoring
Image 7.6
Go to Details on your Cloud Integration Tenant
Image 7.7
Image 7.8

SAP Cloud ALM – Health Monitoring – Features Available for Cloud Integration

Now that we have activated SAP Cloud ALM Health Monitoring, let us see what features are available for you to Monitor in Cloud ALM Health Monitoring for Integration Suite.

Certificate Validity in Health Monitoring – Cloud Integration

On SAP Cloud ALM – Health Monitoring -Cloud Integration you can monitor the status of your Certificates in your Keystore and check the validity of your Certificates. Number of days until the certificate expires. If no custom threshold is defined, all certificates with a validity of less than 30 days are rated as warning. Certificates with less than 7 days remaining are rated as critical.

Certificate Validity on Cloud ALM Cloud Integration Health Monitoring
Certificate Validity Overview
Certificate Validity Details
Certificate Validity Details

JMS Resources in Health Monitoring – Cloud Integration

Various Metrics are Monitored and made available

JMS Resources in Health Monitoring - Cloud Integration
Health Monitoring Metrics in Cloud ALM
Health Monitoring Events in Cloud ALM

SAP Cloud ALM – Integration & Exception Monitoring – Features Available for Cloud Integration

SAP BTP Integration Artifact Deployments

This is a good metric to have and monitor and notify in Production so your Operations / Admin teams are notified every time a Integration Flow is deployed or undeployed in Production. While you can use Audit Logging to track this SAP CPI – Enable Audit Log Service to view User Activities / Logs, this is more reactive. You can use this for Proactive Alerting.

SAP BTP Integration Artifact Deployments
SAP BTP Integration Artifact Deployments

SAP Integration Message Suite Messages

You can monitor your Integration Suite Messages here.

SAP Integration Message Suite Messages
SAP Integration Suite Messages Details For Successful Message

Cloud ALM Send Notifications via Email

Of course so far so good. But what if you want to send Notifications to your Email for the Alerts we see in Cloud ALM. To do this we need to set up Notification Management in Cloud ALM.

Cloud ALM – Recipient Management in App : Notification Management

  • Go to the App Notification Management in Cloud ALM.
  • Click on Add Recipient and provide the Email ID who should receive the Notifications
  • The email will be pending for Acceptance
  • Receive Email from Cloud ALM and Provide Consent to SAP.
  • See status change from Pending to Verified in Notification Management
Launch App Notification Management
Image 10.1.1
Click on Add Recipient and provide the Email ID who should receive the Notifications
Image 10.1.2
Provide Email and Save
Image 10.1.3
Email is Pending in Recipient Management for Consent
Image 10.1.4
Request to provide Consent Email
Image 10.1.5
Consent Confirmation
Image 10.1.5
Consent Approved

Cloud ALM – SAP Integration Suite Messages : Events

We will now add Notifications for the Integration Suite Messages on Cloud ALM.

  • Go to Integration & Exception Monitoring App on SAP Cloud ALM and Edit Configuration ( Image 10.2.1)
  • You will see the Events Configured (Image 10.2.2)
  • Create a new Event by Clicking on Add ( Image 10.2.2)
  • Change the below parameters ( Image 10.2.3)
    • Number of Events per Calculation : 5
    • Messages Older than n minutes: 1
    • Create Alert – Disable
    • Send Email To – Enable and provide email ID
Image 10.2.1
Click on Events
Image 10.2.2
Define Erroneous Single  CPI Messages
Image 10.2.3

Trigger Error to your IFlow – 2 Messages in Error

Trigger error to your IFlow, in my case I sent 2 error messages to my Iflow and you will get 2 emails to your Inbox.

Email Received from Cloud ALM Erroneous CPI Message Detected(Single)
Erroneous CPI Message Detected(Single)

Trigger Error to your IFlow – 5 Messages in Error

As we have configured the parameter Number of Events per Calculation as 5, if the number of errors are 5 or more than 5, we will get a single email with all the Errors Consolidated.

Erroneous CPI Message Detected(Single) with Grouping
Erroneous CPI Message Detected(Single) with Grouping

Final Thoughts

Set up of SAP Cloud ALM with its native Monitoring for SAP Integration Suite is very straight forward. With SAP Cloud ALM you can actively monitor and also send Alerts to Emails. There are other options like raising a External Ticket, Send Chat Notifications, and trigger additional operational flows. We will look at the set up of these in a subsequent post. We will also look at a detailed analysis of what SP Cloud ALM offers and what its current limitations are from a real world operations perspective.

References and Further Reading